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Into the wee, weird hours

or 'how I spent my summer vacation'

Not gonna bore you with the details, but the day job has been one project after another this summer. Often into the wee, weird hours.

But, I have been able to step back and regroup. About to get out of town to recharge the batteries with my family. Even have some new projects going on that I’m excited about.

First, thanks for hanging in there with me. Most of you have been part of my Fellowship of Readers for years now. It really means a lot to me, and I don’t take it for granted. Truly, thank you so much. Having folks interested in reading my fiction makes it all worthwhile and gives me reason to keep writing.

Now to update on current projects in the works and some things I’m up to.

Not long ago,  think it was in August actually, I saw an open call for authors to write in a shared world. Joint Task Force 13, “Marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen take on the forces of the Supernatural, defending America’s military from the things that come from a deeper darkness than the night.” The concept intrigued me, so I put in a submission and was welcomed into the fold. Below is a description straight from the Amazon page:

“There is a thin wall between our world and that of the Fae and, during times of war, it is easily stepped through. The passions and emotions stirred by violence and combat bleed over, and the supernatural often awakes from long slumber to meddle in mortal affairs. Then also, there are they humans who purposely force that wall down seeking glory and power.

Either way, there have always been those among us who have been willing to meet the supernatural threat with cold steel, burning hearts and grim determination. In modern America, they are the men and women of Joint Task Force 13, those who have proven they have the metal to confront soul blasting otherness on the battlefield. This unit, this organization, though, has been intertwined with our country since its birth. The name changes, but they are always there, ready to answer the call. Unknown, seeking no glory, asking no reward. They hold the line …


The first anthology is up for pre-order now. Although I’m not one of the authors in this particular collection, I am working on a novel set in that universe. These stories are written by U.S. Veterans for a publishing company run by a U.S. Veteran. His way of helping out his fellow veterans who happen to be authors. Due to drop on October 31st, the first book, ORIGINS, is going to be an awesome ride.  (I’ve posted a link at the end of this post, in case you’re interested.)

Fair warning though, there is language and bloodshed, not a Christian worldview, but a patriotic one where good wars against evil. I’ve read earlier drafts of each story in this anthology and have already pre-ordered a copy. If it sounds like something you’d enjoy, check it out!

In other news, I finally had an epiphany concerning my current series (Southern Sorcery) that’s been bothering me. It happened like this:  I received an invitation from a teacher in a neighboring town to set up a table at an event they’re hosting. She heard I’m an author and wanted me to come and hopefully inspire students interested in writing (maybe even sell some books in the process).  The students attending will be grades K-12, the whole range.

I had to be honest with her and myself; most of my writing is simply not appropriate for younger grades. After an email exchange over the course of a week, it was finally decided that I would attend, since my Southern Sorcery series has something of a Young Adult feel and would be appropriate for ages 12+.

However, I realized during our email exchanges that my misgivings with that series is the title of the first book, “Moonshine Mage” and with the series name “Southern Sorcery”.

Call me stubborn or whatever, but I’ve always been wired differently. I knew my stories would appeal to a young demographic, but I also kept in mind what the parents would think.  Again, I should’ve been aware that I’m simply causing far too much confusion for readers.

The takeaway: I’m going to rebrand that series. Book one will be retitled “Renegade Realms” (I was saving that title for a later book in the series, but it fits with the first just as well). I’ll also be changing the series name, “Southern Sorcery” will become “Sword & Spirit”.  It captures the Christian themes of the story and clarifies the branding.  The final thing I’m changing is the name on the covers. I’m going from my  full name to “J.S. Worth”.

These were hard decisions for me. But I’ve had a terrible time trying to market this series. It was simply too much of a mashup across multiple genres. Readers didn’t know what to expect. Sure I earned back my covers in a relatively short time, but sales fell off dramatically and my ad spend failed to maintain a positive ROI.  In August of this year, I pulled the plug on all  my ads for that series, as I went into the red for the first time on ad spend. Not a lot, but enough to convince me that something had to change.

Also, I’ve yet to garner very many reviews for that series. Either I wasn’t reaching the right audience, or my request for reviews were simply being ignored.  I believe it to be  the former. Because, for the reviews those books did receive, I was getting four and five stars. But I just wasn’t getting many reviews. A couple of reviews stood out. Both from either side of the fence I’ve been riding.

A four star review: “Start of what might become a good series but … a little too much heavy handed with the Christianity.”

And a five star: “…Moonlight mage name does not do it justice it is a great story. I have read around 300 books this year this set of books is the best I have read in a long, long time great action truly heartwarming. You won’t easily forget it.”

Combine those two with the fact that I’ve garnered only ten reviews for the entire series and the picture becomes clear. I’m confusing readers and not reaching my audience as well as I need to. In short, I’ve got a lot to learn.

Please don’t hear what I’m not saying.  I really appreciate the support I’ve gotten along the way. I’m re-launching that series, but wanted to let everyone in my Reader’s Group know first. I don’t want anyone re-purchasing a book that has undergone simple cosmetic changes. I would feel awful if someone bought “Renegade Realms” not realizing it is “Moonshine Mage” with a different title.

What most folks don’t know is that much of independent publishing is like this.  We indie-authors are constantly testing the market.  Tweaking covers, changing blurbs. Even the smallest change can (sometimes) make a big change in results. It’s sometimes called A/B testing (which I also won’t bore you with).

With all this said, it does make my day when I get emails from readers like this:

Would you please continue writing this story. By the way don’t change your stories, newsletter…

That was in response to a scene from yet another series that I’ve started. That particular one, with my female protagonist, Amber Vencini, is on hold while I tweak the Southern Sorcery series and get the first draft of my JTF novel done. But it is not forgotten!  I really dig the progress I made on that one and want to get back to it.

Okay, that’s it for now.  I’m about to get some much needed vacation with my family.  Hit the mountain trails, do some hiking, sight seeing, and get some much needed down time.  If you’ve never left a review on one of my books and would like to help me out, it’s never too late. And, as I’ve always said, the most awesome best thing any reader can do for an author they enjoy is to spread the news by word of mouth.

Thanks again to each and every one of you.  You all rock!


John Stacy Worth

And to pre-order Origins, just click the image below: